Wildwood Roller


Wildwood Roller

Product description

Enjoy aromatherapy to uplift and ease. Simply roll onto the affected area and breathe in deeply.

Some of the benefits that this blend of essential oils are:

  • Blood Orange: uplifting, ease nervous tension, relieve inflammation, commonly used to your mood
  • Peppermint: relief from nausea, headaches, respiratory infections,  ease muscle pain, reduce itching from bug bites
  • Eucalyptus: immune boosting, supports the respiratory system, enhances the feeling of relaxation

Ingredients: MCT oil (medium-chain triglyceride), blood orange essential oil (citrus x cinenis), peppermint essential oil (mentha piperita), eucalyptus essential oil (eucalyptus radiata). 

Locally Owned!

Shipped from Whitehorse, Yukon

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